SIGMA - health U project

A Private Membership Association focused on self-empowerment and self-dependence in your path to health and wellbeing.

SIGMA - health U project, a Private Membership Association

Your self-empowerment, your self-dependence…

The healthcare landscape is rapidly shifting. Many things which have been stated throughout the years about the healthcare system are proving not to be so, leaving us with ever increasing unfulfilled expectations.

There is a different, viable and much more cost-effective way of approaching health and disease. Consider joining our PMA (private membership association focused on health). Please read on Dr. Gaston’s welcoming message:

Framed within a system which appeared to have all the answers, I took care of thousands of people over 3 decades. Yet, this system has failed us all, it has few real answers and, for the most part, leads practitioners and patients down a path of falsehoods and half-truths which, in the end, only benefit the system itself while working in opposition to its stated goal of caring for health.

It is time for all of us to, together, build a new system while putting the old system in its place as one more tool in your box of solutions; properly dimensioned and in its place, the old system does have some uses and benefits.

In building a new system, in facing such lofty and complex goal, we must acknowledge with humbleness that all we can really do is set up sound and solid principles as our foundation and hold them in place for such system to emerge on its own anew in genuine representation of these principles set forth. If these principles are true, the emerging system will be true also.

Within the frame of this new engagement I share with you all I have learned since 1986 when I started focusing my understanding in the complexities of the human experience in health and disease. What I have learned can be summarized in the following: “I am standing exactly where my feet took me.”

While it may seem overly simple and, for some, even cryptic, this statement is accurate in describing the core, the essence of health and disease. This is a most empowering statement, and, for us to work together in discovering each's path to health and wellbeing, this statement, sooner or later, must be fully acknowledged, comprehended and embraced. It is my deepest understanding that there is no other path to genuinely gain mastery over our lives and health.

With this said, please read carefully the attached contract and the technical details that follow this message. These frame our relationship within the private domain as living breathing men and women under Natural and Common Law, the true Law of our Land. You can find more information about this at Please understand that, as with the medical system, the legal system also has a parallel or alternative interpretation that mirrors its medical counterpart in being much broader and accurate in representing the reality of the laws that govern us and how they do so; drawing a parallel from the health care system, there is conventional law and there is “integrative law,” a more encompassing understanding of the legal system and our roles in it. My practice is framed within this broader understanding and application of the law. The intent of this is to remain as far as possible beyond the reach of invested and corrupt regulating agencies which have shown to be incapable and unwilling to mediate genuine and honorable exchange between people; thus have they utterly failed in their stated mission.

It is time that honesty and honor, as true human beings, take back the center stage in our dealings. Honesty and honor are the intentions I set forth in this endeavor together with the baggage of knowledge in medicine I have accumulated over the years and I place at your disposal.

In honor and truth and with the kindest regards,

Dr. Gaston

Becoming available to help people maintain or find their path to health and wellbeing is a big responsibility and a most challenging endeavor, in particular when this is being done in a completely new way where there is little available experiences to draw from. Herein follow instructions and details regarding access to our services:

Contract signing: it is recommended that you print the contract and, after reading and having all questions answered to your satisfaction ( for questions), if in agreement, you sign it as instructed in the document, scan it as a pdf and return via email the signed document as to Keep the original signed copy for your records.

Membership dues payment: you can choose to pay on a monthly or yearly basis. Please make it your responsibility to stay current on your payments; this PMA functions at large on an honor based system. You can make the payments here as monthly or annual. If you prefer to send a check, do a bank transfer, or use other forms of payment please contact us at Please kindly send notification of your payment and its method to

Once the signed contract and payment are received you will be included in an emailing list where we will share and regularly update all available health activities, schedules and services.

Available or upcoming services:

Monthly roundtable discussions on health topics: In a combination of online meeting and in person according to availability and location, this activity is designed to build community and share knowledge and experience. Community is, in our opinion, the most empowering healing tool available. As our movement progresses and grows, our community building tools will get refined and evolve.

Health and Wellbeing Mastery courses: Also, in a combination of online meeting and in person according to availability and location, in-depth courses in mastering our health and wellbeing are becoming available as the curriculums are completed. You can check our courses at  

One-on-one consultations: As scheduling and location allow, Dr. Gaston is available for one-on-one consultations either in person or via telephone or video chat. Dr. Gaston’s fee is us$500 per hour of consultation; any given fraction of an hour is charged according to corresponding fraction of hourly rate. As an initial promotion, the paid full membership yearly fee will go towards the payment of the first hour of consultation. In other words, as part of this initial promotion, payment of the yearly membership gives you access to 30 minutes of one-on-one consultation with Dr. Gaston.

Group consultations: Given that the core package of information relating to certain common diseases and their management is similar for all involved, wanting to make his services more accessible and affordable, Dr. Gaston is introducing this new medical consultation format. As this service becomes available, the proposal is to group people with the same or similar (compatible) health conditions to have a two hours group discussion/consultation with a maximum of ten participants per session. The cost per session is us$100. While we cannot predict with certainty the satisfaction this methodology will bring, given Dr. Gaston’s experience in group management during his time at Integrative Oncology practices and the application of synergistic tools, we anticipate this will be a very successful format, in particular as a tool to build community.

Online resources: printed materials, blogs, newsletters. As these resources become available they will be at your disposal mostly as part of the membership benefits. Some resources may require an additional fee.

Other participating Practitioners and Other Service Providers: As our movement grows, members with services of benefit to others in our community and in line with our PMA principles will be making their services available to other members.

The organic growth of our movement will lead to the emergence of a satisfactory way of providing for all the needs we may have regarding health and wellness and other aspects of our experience; this will be the emergence of a new health care system.